A downloadable game for Windows

Gaming Campus: 2023-2024  

Promotion: Toronto   



One day, while he was playing quietly in his room with his nanny, a baby was suddenly sucked into a wormhole that opened in the wall. He found himself in a strange universe, where everything looked like a giant brick-breaking game. There were bricks of all colors, bouncing balls, bonuses and maluses, and especially deadly traps. Fortunately, his nanny was with him. But she had changed appearance during the crossing. Mrs. FireDoubt was now called Hulk Nanny , and she had the build of a high-level athlete, which gave her a slender and powerful appearance with prominent muscles. Her goal was to protect the child at all costs, using her powers to destroy the bricks and avoid dangers. The baby, for his part, needed his nanny and to feed to survive. He therefore had to stay close to her and eat the vegetables that sometimes fell from the sky. Together, they had to find a way to escape from this crazy world and return home.


The goal of this game is to break the bricks with the ball that bounces on a racket, while avoiding for the baby the toxic products that fall. Because they are dangerous for him, they must therefore be destroyed with balls shot by the nanny, a friendly character activated by the super pacifier that helps the player protect the child. The game features playful elements, like this pacifier and a golden pacifier that activates super powers, the intervention of the nanny or the space bottle that allows you to shoot faster. There are three levels of difficulty, with bricks containing more and more food and toxic bottles. The game ends when the player manages to break all the bricks of each of the levels or when he loses the baby’s ball or when the latter no longer has life points.



 To move, the player can use the mouse and the keyboard keys: To start the game at the home screen press the <Enter> key. To pause press the <S> key. To restart a game press the <R> key, launch the ball with <SPACE>. The <LEFT Keyboard> and <RIGHT Keyboard> keys to move sideways with the nanny. The player can shoot at the same time by pressing the <LEFT Mouse> button of the mouse (when the super power is activated by making the nanny appear). You can move the racket by moving the invisible <MOUSE CURSOR> from left to right. 



This game consists of breaking all the bricks on the screen by bouncing a ball with a racket. There are three levels of difficulty to pass to win the game. By preserving the life of the baby. 



If the baby’s life points are zero or if the ball touches the ground, the player loses, it’s the end of the game. So you have to be skillful and quick to avoid dropping the ball and letting the baby ingest toxic products.





BabyBoom.exe 15 MB

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